CELF Beauty FAQs


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Are there any age recommendations?

CELF is designed to prevent, manage, and reverse the visible signs of skin ageing. These visible signs are typically seen in adults aged 25 and older.

Can any serum be used?

The CELF glide serum has been specifically formulated to be used in conjunction with CELF to optimise results. It contains ultra-pure hyaluronic acid for deep hydration and aloe vera to calm any tenderness or redness. We have not tested CELF with other topical formulations.

How often do you need to replace the CELF head

Clinical testing indicates the CELF head should be replaced every 3 months to maintain optimum results and efficacy.

We offer various CELF subscription packages with significant discounts.

Is CELF cruelty free?

Yes, CELF and the glide serum are cruelty-free and have only been tested on humans, not animals.

I've run out of serum! What do I do?

We recommend that you use the CELF glide serum sparingly. It should last for 3 months. We don't sell the serum separately.

However, we do recommend that you change the CELF dermal head every 3 months as well for maximum efficacy. We have several subscription options available with great discounts!

What can I expect from first use? And beyond…?

The first time you use CELF, you can expect a little inflammation and redness as the local circulation is stimulated and potentially some sensitivity as your skin gets used to surface stimulation and microvibration treatment. This will disappear overnight.

Over time, you will see improvements in skin texture and radiance, with a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and an overall improvement in skin health

What if I don't own an OralB iO toothbrush?

CELF is currently only compatible with the OralB iO series. We recommend you purchase the OralB iO 4 as the most cost-effective solution.

The OralB iO offers industry-leading tooth cleaning and, with CELF, industry-leading skin health, all in the same travel-friendly package.

Which setting on the Oral-B iO™ is appropriate for use with CELF?

To ensure optimal performance and safety when using CELF with your Oral-B iO™ toothbrush, it's important to adjust the settings accordingly. Depending on the version of the Oral-B iO™ toothbrush you have, you can switch to the sensitive setting either through the Oral-B app or directly on the toothbrush.

By ensuring that your Oral-B iO™ toothbrush is set to the sensitive setting, you can enjoy the benefits of CELF safely and effectively.

What's included in the CELF kit?

We like to call the kit the "CELF Regeneration Station"

The kit contains the CELF dermal head (which sits neatly on top of your OralB iO electric toothbrush) and 30 ml of CELF glide serum.

Both should last you approximately 3 months. Use serum sparingly, and dispose of the head after 3 months.

*Toothbrush is not included

What's inside the CELF Rejuvenation station?

Inside, you will find 1 x CELF dermal head and 30 ml CELF glide serum. Both will last you 3 months. Please note that you will need to buy the OralB iO toothbrush separately.

When will I see results?

Expect to see results within 4 to 6 weeks with regular usage for 1/2 minutes a day.

Which electric toothbrush is CELF compatible with?

CELF is only compatible with all the OralB iO electric toothbrush series.

The toothbrush is not included in the CELF Regeneration Station

Are there any age recommendations?

CELF is designed to prevent, manage, and reverse the visible signs of skin ageing. These visible signs are typically seen in adults aged 25 and older.

Can any serum be used?

The CELF glide serum has been specifically formulated to be used in conjunction with CELF to optimise results. It contains ultra-pure hyaluronic acid for deep hydration and aloe vera to calm any tenderness or redness. We have not tested CELF with other topical formulations.

Can I use celf on the body/neck/décolletage and other areas?

Yes! CELF can be used in these areas safely. We have also seen great results on the back of the hands.

Can you use over moles and beauty spots?

Yes, CELF is non-invasive. However, we do recommend you keep an eye on moles, and if you notice any changes, consult your GP immediately.

Do you need to clean the head with antibacterial solution after each use?

CELF is non-invasive, so antibacterial solutions aren’t required. We recommend rinsing under warm water for a few seconds before and after treatment.

How hard do you press?

CELF only requires a featherlight touch on the skin; if you feel the individual spurs (like a pin point against your skin), you are pressing too hard.

How long do you need to wait after sun exposure to use this?

If your skin is sun damaged, i.e. red, only use CELF when this has subsided, which typically takes up to a week. We always recommend using a minimum of SPF 30 sun cream daily.

How long should you wait to use after antibiotics/retinol/vitamin A?

Retinol and Vitamin A can be potent, leading to potential skin sensitivity or dryness. If experiencing such conditions, refrain from using CELF during this period of retinoid-induced sensitivity or dryness.

How often do you need to replace the CELF head

Clinical testing indicates the CELF head should be replaced every 3 months to maintain optimum results and efficacy.

We offer various CELF subscription packages with significant discounts.

How often do you use it?

Ideally, CELF should be used every evening (before you go to bed) for up to 1 minute per treatment area after you have brushed your teeth.

Is there a lid to put on CELF after each use for cleanliness

Yes, the CELF dermal head is supplied with a cap to both prevent damage and keep it clean.

I've run out of serum! What do I do?

We recommend that you use the CELF glide serum sparingly. It should last for 3 months. We don't sell the serum separately.

However, we do recommend that you change the CELF dermal head every 3 months as well for maximum efficacy. We have several subscription options available with great discounts!

What can I expect from first use? And beyond…?

The first time you use CELF, you can expect a little inflammation and redness as the local circulation is stimulated and potentially some sensitivity as your skin gets used to surface stimulation and microvibration treatment. This will disappear overnight.

Over time, you will see improvements in skin texture and radiance, with a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and an overall improvement in skin health

What do I do if I experience discomfort or redness?

Use the correct feather light pressure, and you ought not to experience discomfort. If you are experiencing discomfort, lighten the pressure.

Gently massage in the CELF glide serum, which has been specifically formulated to reduce any inflammation and sensitivity after every use.

Which setting on the Oral-B iO™ is appropriate for use with CELF?

To ensure optimal performance and safety when using CELF with your Oral-B iO™ toothbrush, it's important to adjust the settings accordingly. Depending on the version of the Oral-B iO™ toothbrush you have, you can switch to the sensitive setting either through the Oral-B app or directly on the toothbrush.

By ensuring that your Oral-B iO™ toothbrush is set to the sensitive setting, you can enjoy the benefits of CELF safely and effectively.

When will I see results?

Expect to see results within 4 to 6 weeks with regular usage for 1/2 minutes a day.

Can CELF be used on active acne?

No. CELF should not be used on active acne.

Can I use celf together with any pharmaceutical/herbal or natural remedies?

Do not use CELF if you are currently using topically applied prescription medications or natural remedies in the treatment area

Can it be used on those with sensitive skin/eczema/rosacea

CELF can be used on sensitive skin.

Patients with diagnosed active eczema or rosacea should not use CELF and consult their GP.

Can pregnant and breast feeding women use this?

Pregnant and breast feeding women should consult their physician before starting to use CELF.

Can you use over moles and beauty spots?

Yes, CELF is non-invasive. However, we do recommend you keep an eye on moles, and if you notice any changes, consult your GP immediately.

How long do you need to wait after sun exposure to use this?

If your skin is sun damaged, i.e. red, only use CELF when this has subsided, which typically takes up to a week. We always recommend using a minimum of SPF 30 sun cream daily.

How long should you wait to use after antibiotics/retinol/vitamin A?

Retinol and Vitamin A can be potent, leading to potential skin sensitivity or dryness. If experiencing such conditions, refrain from using CELF during this period of retinoid-induced sensitivity or dryness.

What do I do if I experience discomfort or redness?

Use the correct feather light pressure, and you ought not to experience discomfort. If you are experiencing discomfort, lighten the pressure.

Gently massage in the CELF glide serum, which has been specifically formulated to reduce any inflammation and sensitivity after every use.

What skincare cannot be used in conjunction with CELF?

We do not recommend using skin care designed to exfoliate skin, like peels and alpha-hydroxy acids.

When should I NOT use the CELF dermal head?

Do not use CELF if you have any of the following:

• Herpes labialis or any other local infection such as warts

• Moderate to severe chronic skin disease such as eczema and psoriasis

• Blood dyscrasias, patients on anticoagulant therapy

• Extreme keloidal tendency

• Patient on chemo/radiotherapy.

• Known allergies to skin treatment products or cosmetics, toiletries, or topical drugs

• Sun burn, recent tattoo or local skin damage such as cuts or grazes

• Currently using topically applied prescription medications in the treatment area

• Have had chemical peels, dermabrasion or facial cosmetic surgery within the last 6 months

Are results proven with CELF?

Unlike most beauty companies that rely on consumer opinion, CELF has independent clinical studies and scientifically proven facts on our side.

We used Cutest, the UK’s leading dermatological testing organisation, and Keritify, a leading preclinical testing group whose technology utilises human excised skin kept viable in medium for up to 5 days.

Do all toothbrush vibrations create the same effect?

No. The natural resonance (vibration) of skin is between 130 to 150 Hz, and CELF works at 145 Hz, which maintains the balance between mechanical stress and the skin's capacity to adapt and repair.

If the vibration frequency and consequent mechanical stress are too high, damage can be done. If the vibration frequency and consequent mechanical effects are too low, discernible results will not be seen

How does CELF work? What does it do?

CELF‘s non invasive surface stimulation with SPER technology gently sloughs excess dead superficial cells and triggers increased cell mobility, temporarily improving the permeation of topical products.

Simultaneous deep penetrating low-frequency micro-vibrations boost metabolic activity, including lymphatic drainage and increased blood flow, increasing oxygen and nutrient supply to the treatment area.

Ultimately, vibrations mobilise and activate collagen producing fibroblasts to progressively restore support and enhance long-term skin health.

CELF is an elision of ‘cell’ and ‘fitness’. It refers to the way in which the product energises and invigorates cells via surface stimulation and deep penetrating micro-vibration energy.

Tell me more about the CELF clinical trial data

Early preclinical and clinical trials with CELF indicate that low frequency micro-vibrations lightly applied to the surface of the skin activates:

• Temporal reversible barrier changes, which facilitate compound delivery particularly large molecules such as peptides and proteins through skin.

• Deep wrinkle reduction (Primos 3D camera) and an increase in tissue density (Ultrasound)

• A reduction in redspots, UV spots and porphyrines (Visia, Canfield)

What's happening under the skin?

The resting electrical membrane potential of cells is approximately −70 mV, when cells undergo mechanical vibration and subsequent pressure and deformation forces the inner electrical potential increases quickly to −100 mV.

This triggers increased cell activity and the release of various proteins, potassium, and growth factors from the cells into the extracellular matrix leading to the migration of fibroblasts to the treatment site. i.e. enhanced metabolic activity and cellular excitability including lymphatic drainage and increased blood flow.

Fibroblasts sense force-induced deformations through matrix adhesion contacts triggering an intracellular signalling pathway that activates genes to alter the pattern of protein expression. The frequency of the applied stress is a fundamental stimulating parameter.

Tenascin-C is an extracellular matrix (ECM) component directly regulated by mechanical stress: induction of its mRNA in stretched fibroblasts is rapid. Tenascin-C has been shown to interact with fibronectin. This interaction is shown to have the potential to modify cell adhesion.

Are you carbon neutral?

GEN-RG the parent company behind CELF, aims to be carbon neutral by 2026.

We plant a tree for every order placed.

Does celf provide a discount on the toothbrush?

We hope to in the future. Watch this space!

Is CELF recyclable?

We use the OralB iO as a power source and, as such, have avoided putting yet more lithium batteries and plastic into the environment.

We are working with RWDC Industries, one of only 3 manufacturers in the world that produces bioplastic suitable for injection moulding. If feasibility is successful, we will switch 100% to bioplastic, which reduces hydrocarbon use and removes plastic microbeads from being composted.

Is CELF cruelty free?

Yes, CELF and the glide serum are cruelty-free and have only been tested on humans, not animals.

Offsetting with CELF

We subscribe to Greenspark and have been offsetting our development programs with tree planting.

Under the Greenspark scheme, a tree will be planted for every purchase of CELF through www.celf.beauty

About the Product

Are there any age recommendations?

CELF is designed to prevent, manage, and reverse the visible signs of skin ageing. These visible signs are typically seen in adults aged 25 and older.

Can any serum be used?

The CELF glide serum has been specifically formulated to be used in conjunction with CELF to optimise results. It contains ultra-pure hyaluronic acid for deep hydration and aloe vera to calm any tenderness or redness. We have not tested CELF with other topical formulations.

How often do you need to replace the CELF head

Clinical testing indicates the CELF head should be replaced every 3 months to maintain optimum results and efficacy.

We offer various CELF subscription packages with significant discounts.

Is CELF cruelty free?

Yes, CELF and the glide serum are cruelty-free and have only been tested on humans, not animals.

I've run out of serum! What do I do?

We recommend that you use the CELF glide serum sparingly. It should last for 3 months. We don't sell the serum separately.

However, we do recommend that you change the CELF dermal head every 3 months as well for maximum efficacy. We have several subscription options available with great discounts!

What can I expect from first use? And beyond…?

The first time you use CELF, you can expect a little inflammation and redness as the local circulation is stimulated and potentially some sensitivity as your skin gets used to surface stimulation and microvibration treatment. This will disappear overnight.

Over time, you will see improvements in skin texture and radiance, with a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and an overall improvement in skin health

What if I don't own an OralB iO toothbrush?

CELF is currently only compatible with the OralB iO series. We recommend you purchase the OralB iO 4 as the most cost-effective solution.

The OralB iO offers industry-leading tooth cleaning and, with CELF, industry-leading skin health, all in the same travel-friendly package.

Which setting on the Oral-B iO™ is appropriate for use with CELF?

To ensure optimal performance and safety when using CELF with your Oral-B iO™ toothbrush, it's important to adjust the settings accordingly. Depending on the version of the Oral-B iO™ toothbrush you have, you can switch to the sensitive setting either through the Oral-B app or directly on the toothbrush.

By ensuring that your Oral-B iO™ toothbrush is set to the sensitive setting, you can enjoy the benefits of CELF safely and effectively.

What's included in the CELF kit?

We like to call the kit the "CELF Regeneration Station"

The kit contains the CELF dermal head (which sits neatly on top of your OralB iO electric toothbrush) and 30 ml of CELF glide serum.

Both should last you approximately 3 months. Use serum sparingly, and dispose of the head after 3 months.

*Toothbrush is not included

What's inside the CELF Rejuvenation station?

Inside, you will find 1 x CELF dermal head and 30 ml CELF glide serum. Both will last you 3 months. Please note that you will need to buy the OralB iO toothbrush separately.

When will I see results?

Expect to see results within 4 to 6 weeks with regular usage for 1/2 minutes a day.

Which electric toothbrush is CELF compatible with?

CELF is only compatible with all the OralB iO electric toothbrush series.

The toothbrush is not included in the CELF Regeneration Station

How to Use

Are there any age recommendations?

CELF is designed to prevent, manage, and reverse the visible signs of skin ageing. These visible signs are typically seen in adults aged 25 and older.

Can any serum be used?

The CELF glide serum has been specifically formulated to be used in conjunction with CELF to optimise results. It contains ultra-pure hyaluronic acid for deep hydration and aloe vera to calm any tenderness or redness. We have not tested CELF with other topical formulations.

Can I use celf on the body/neck/décolletage and other areas?

Yes! CELF can be used in these areas safely. We have also seen great results on the back of the hands.

Can you use over moles and beauty spots?

Yes, CELF is non-invasive. However, we do recommend you keep an eye on moles, and if you notice any changes, consult your GP immediately.

Do you need to clean the head with antibacterial solution after each use?

CELF is non-invasive, so antibacterial solutions aren’t required. We recommend rinsing under warm water for a few seconds before and after treatment.

How hard do you press?

CELF only requires a featherlight touch on the skin; if you feel the individual spurs (like a pin point against your skin), you are pressing too hard.

How long do you need to wait after sun exposure to use this?

If your skin is sun damaged, i.e. red, only use CELF when this has subsided, which typically takes up to a week. We always recommend using a minimum of SPF 30 sun cream daily.

How long should you wait to use after antibiotics/retinol/vitamin A?

Retinol and Vitamin A can be potent, leading to potential skin sensitivity or dryness. If experiencing such conditions, refrain from using CELF during this period of retinoid-induced sensitivity or dryness.

How often do you need to replace the CELF head

Clinical testing indicates the CELF head should be replaced every 3 months to maintain optimum results and efficacy.

We offer various CELF subscription packages with significant discounts.

How often do you use it?

Ideally, CELF should be used every evening (before you go to bed) for up to 1 minute per treatment area after you have brushed your teeth.

Is there a lid to put on CELF after each use for cleanliness

Yes, the CELF dermal head is supplied with a cap to both prevent damage and keep it clean.

I've run out of serum! What do I do?

We recommend that you use the CELF glide serum sparingly. It should last for 3 months. We don't sell the serum separately.

However, we do recommend that you change the CELF dermal head every 3 months as well for maximum efficacy. We have several subscription options available with great discounts!

What can I expect from first use? And beyond…?

The first time you use CELF, you can expect a little inflammation and redness as the local circulation is stimulated and potentially some sensitivity as your skin gets used to surface stimulation and microvibration treatment. This will disappear overnight.

Over time, you will see improvements in skin texture and radiance, with a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and an overall improvement in skin health

What do I do if I experience discomfort or redness?

Use the correct feather light pressure, and you ought not to experience discomfort. If you are experiencing discomfort, lighten the pressure.

Gently massage in the CELF glide serum, which has been specifically formulated to reduce any inflammation and sensitivity after every use.

Which setting on the Oral-B iO™ is appropriate for use with CELF?

To ensure optimal performance and safety when using CELF with your Oral-B iO™ toothbrush, it's important to adjust the settings accordingly. Depending on the version of the Oral-B iO™ toothbrush you have, you can switch to the sensitive setting either through the Oral-B app or directly on the toothbrush.

By ensuring that your Oral-B iO™ toothbrush is set to the sensitive setting, you can enjoy the benefits of CELF safely and effectively.

When will I see results?

Expect to see results within 4 to 6 weeks with regular usage for 1/2 minutes a day.


Can CELF be used on active acne?

No. CELF should not be used on active acne.

Can I use celf together with any pharmaceutical/herbal or natural remedies?

Do not use CELF if you are currently using topically applied prescription medications or natural remedies in the treatment area

Can it be used on those with sensitive skin/eczema/rosacea

CELF can be used on sensitive skin.

Patients with diagnosed active eczema or rosacea should not use CELF and consult their GP.

Can pregnant and breast feeding women use this?

Pregnant and breast feeding women should consult their physician before starting to use CELF.

Can you use over moles and beauty spots?

Yes, CELF is non-invasive. However, we do recommend you keep an eye on moles, and if you notice any changes, consult your GP immediately.

How long do you need to wait after sun exposure to use this?

If your skin is sun damaged, i.e. red, only use CELF when this has subsided, which typically takes up to a week. We always recommend using a minimum of SPF 30 sun cream daily.

How long should you wait to use after antibiotics/retinol/vitamin A?

Retinol and Vitamin A can be potent, leading to potential skin sensitivity or dryness. If experiencing such conditions, refrain from using CELF during this period of retinoid-induced sensitivity or dryness.

What do I do if I experience discomfort or redness?

Use the correct feather light pressure, and you ought not to experience discomfort. If you are experiencing discomfort, lighten the pressure.

Gently massage in the CELF glide serum, which has been specifically formulated to reduce any inflammation and sensitivity after every use.

What skincare cannot be used in conjunction with CELF?

We do not recommend using skin care designed to exfoliate skin, like peels and alpha-hydroxy acids.

When should I NOT use the CELF dermal head?

Do not use CELF if you have any of the following:

• Herpes labialis or any other local infection such as warts

• Moderate to severe chronic skin disease such as eczema and psoriasis

• Blood dyscrasias, patients on anticoagulant therapy

• Extreme keloidal tendency

• Patient on chemo/radiotherapy.

• Known allergies to skin treatment products or cosmetics, toiletries, or topical drugs

• Sun burn, recent tattoo or local skin damage such as cuts or grazes

• Currently using topically applied prescription medications in the treatment area

• Have had chemical peels, dermabrasion or facial cosmetic surgery within the last 6 months

The Science

Are results proven with CELF?

Unlike most beauty companies that rely on consumer opinion, CELF has independent clinical studies and scientifically proven facts on our side.

We used Cutest, the UK’s leading dermatological testing organisation, and Keritify, a leading preclinical testing group whose technology utilises human excised skin kept viable in medium for up to 5 days.

Do all toothbrush vibrations create the same effect?

No. The natural resonance (vibration) of skin is between 130 to 150 Hz, and CELF works at 145 Hz, which maintains the balance between mechanical stress and the skin's capacity to adapt and repair.

If the vibration frequency and consequent mechanical stress are too high, damage can be done. If the vibration frequency and consequent mechanical effects are too low, discernible results will not be seen

How does CELF work? What does it do?

CELF‘s non invasive surface stimulation with SPER technology gently sloughs excess dead superficial cells and triggers increased cell mobility, temporarily improving the permeation of topical products.

Simultaneous deep penetrating low-frequency micro-vibrations boost metabolic activity, including lymphatic drainage and increased blood flow, increasing oxygen and nutrient supply to the treatment area.

Ultimately, vibrations mobilise and activate collagen producing fibroblasts to progressively restore support and enhance long-term skin health.

CELF is an elision of ‘cell’ and ‘fitness’. It refers to the way in which the product energises and invigorates cells via surface stimulation and deep penetrating micro-vibration energy.

Tell me more about the CELF clinical trial data

Early preclinical and clinical trials with CELF indicate that low frequency micro-vibrations lightly applied to the surface of the skin activates:

• Temporal reversible barrier changes, which facilitate compound delivery particularly large molecules such as peptides and proteins through skin.

• Deep wrinkle reduction (Primos 3D camera) and an increase in tissue density (Ultrasound)

• A reduction in redspots, UV spots and porphyrines (Visia, Canfield)

What's happening under the skin?

The resting electrical membrane potential of cells is approximately −70 mV, when cells undergo mechanical vibration and subsequent pressure and deformation forces the inner electrical potential increases quickly to −100 mV.

This triggers increased cell activity and the release of various proteins, potassium, and growth factors from the cells into the extracellular matrix leading to the migration of fibroblasts to the treatment site. i.e. enhanced metabolic activity and cellular excitability including lymphatic drainage and increased blood flow.

Fibroblasts sense force-induced deformations through matrix adhesion contacts triggering an intracellular signalling pathway that activates genes to alter the pattern of protein expression. The frequency of the applied stress is a fundamental stimulating parameter.

Tenascin-C is an extracellular matrix (ECM) component directly regulated by mechanical stress: induction of its mRNA in stretched fibroblasts is rapid. Tenascin-C has been shown to interact with fibronectin. This interaction is shown to have the potential to modify cell adhesion.


Are you carbon neutral?

GEN-RG the parent company behind CELF, aims to be carbon neutral by 2026.

We plant a tree for every order placed.

Does celf provide a discount on the toothbrush?

We hope to in the future. Watch this space!

Is CELF recyclable?

We use the OralB iO as a power source and, as such, have avoided putting yet more lithium batteries and plastic into the environment.

We are working with RWDC Industries, one of only 3 manufacturers in the world that produces bioplastic suitable for injection moulding. If feasibility is successful, we will switch 100% to bioplastic, which reduces hydrocarbon use and removes plastic microbeads from being composted.

Is CELF cruelty free?

Yes, CELF and the glide serum are cruelty-free and have only been tested on humans, not animals.

Offsetting with CELF

We subscribe to Greenspark and have been offsetting our development programs with tree planting.

Under the Greenspark scheme, a tree will be planted for every purchase of CELF through www.celf.beauty

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