Verwenden Sie CELF jeden Abend in Ihrer Nachtroutine, nach dem Zähneputzen und dem Waschen Ihres Gesichts.
Wie man CELF mit Dr. Stevie Potter verwendet
Entdecken Sie die Kraft von CELF, dem revolutionären Beauty-Tech-Tool: Dr. Stevie Potter führt Sie durch den einfachen Prozess, bei dem die Kraft von Mikrovibrationen genutzt wird, um Kollagen für eine glattere, festere und strahlendere Haut zu erneuern.
So verwenden Sie CELF
Schnelles Spülen
Ersetzen Sie den Zahnbürstenkopf durch den CELF-Kopf. Gerät einschalten und unter warmem Wasser abspülen.
Tragen Sie Glide Serum auf
Tragen Sie ein paar Tropfen des CELF-Gleitserums auf die gewünschte Behandlungsstelle auf. Verwenden Sie das Serum sparsam.
Federleichte Berührung
Lassen Sie den CELF-Kopf pro Behandlungsbereich etwa eine Minute lang sanft in kreisenden Bewegungen gleiten.
In warmem Wasser abspülen
Wenn Sie fertig sind, spülen Sie den CELF-Kopf erneut einige Sekunden lang unter warmem Wasser ab und setzen Sie die Schutzkappe wieder auf.
Massage und Bett
Massieren Sie überschüssiges Gleitserum sanft in den behandelten Bereich ein und ab ins Bett! Es funktioniert wirklich, während Sie schlafen!
Befolgen Sie diese einfachen Schritte, um loszulegen
Die Anwendung der CELF-Mikrovibrationstherapie ist einfach und kann zur Verbesserung Ihrer Hautgesundheit beitragen.
1. Bleiben Sie persönlich.
Ihr CELF-Dermal-Mikrovibrationskopf ist nur für Ihren persönlichen Gebrauch bestimmt. Teilen Sie es nicht mit anderen, um eine mögliche Kreuzkontamination zu vermeiden.
2. Seien Sie sanft zu Ihrer Haut
Verwenden Sie den CELF-Dermal-Mikrovibrationskopf nur auf Ihrer Haut. Vermeiden Sie empfindliche Bereiche wie Ihre Lippen und die empfindliche Haut um Ihre Augen.
3. Schrittweise Integration für empfindliche Haut
Beginnen Sie mit der Anwendung von CELF jeden Abend nach der Gesichtsreinigung und dem Zähneputzen. Wenn Sie empfindliche Haut haben, beginnen Sie ein- bis zweimal pro Woche an nicht aufeinanderfolgenden Abenden.
Erhöhen Sie die Häufigkeit langsam auf jede zweite Nacht und schließlich auf jede Nacht, wenn sich Ihre Haut daran gewöhnt. Dieser Vorgang kann bis zu 4 Wochen dauern, da sich Ihre Hautgesundheit verbessert.
4. Bereiten Sie Ihren CELF-Kopf vor
Nehmen Sie den Zahnbürstenkopf ab und befestigen Sie den CELF-Dermal-Mikrovibrationskopf an Ihrer Zahnbürste.
5. Vorbereiten Ihres CELF-Kopfes
Nehmen Sie die Schutzkappe ab und spülen Sie den CELF-Dermalkopf einige Sekunden lang unter warmem Wasser ab, um sicherzustellen, dass er sauber und einsatzbereit ist.
6. Auftragen des Glide-Serums
Tragen Sie ein paar Tropfen des mitgelieferten CELF-Gleitserums auf die zu behandelnde Stelle auf.
7. Sanfte Berührung
Schalten Sie die Zahnbürste ein und üben Sie einen sanften, federartigen Druck aus, während Sie die Sporen gegen Ihre Haut drücken. Du
sollte ein leichtes Kribbeln spüren; Wenn Sie Schmerzen oder Unbehagen verspüren, drücken Sie zu stark.
8. Kreisbewegung
Bewegen Sie den CELF-Kopf in einer kreisenden Bewegung, um den gesamten Behandlungsbereich abzudecken. Verbringen Sie etwa 1 Minute auf jeder Seite.
9. Erwarten Sie eine leichte Entzündung
Es ist normal, dass die behandelte Stelle unmittelbar nach der Behandlung leicht entzündet erscheint. Dies sollte über Nacht nachlassen.
10. Reinigung nach der Behandlung
Wenn Sie fertig sind, spülen Sie den CELF-Kopf einige Sekunden lang unter warmem Wasser ab, um ihn gründlich zu reinigen.
11. Sicher aufbewahren
Nehmen Sie den CELF-Dermalkopf von der Zahnbürste ab und bewahren Sie ihn sicher auf. Wenn Sie es oben auf die Serumflasche legen, können Sie Verlust oder Beschädigung verhindern.
12. Verschwenden Sie kein Serum
Wenn überschüssiges Gleitserum vorhanden ist, massieren Sie es sanft in die behandelte Stelle ein, um die Vorteile optimal zu nutzen.
Are there any age recommendations?
CELF is designed to prevent, manage, and reverse the visible signs of skin ageing. These visible signs are typically seen in adults aged 25 and older.
Can any serum be used?
The CELF glide serum has been specifically formulated to be used in conjunction with CELF to optimise results. It contains ultra-pure hyaluronic acid for deep hydration and aloe vera to calm any tenderness or redness. We have not tested CELF with other topical formulations.
Can I use celf on the body/neck/décolletage and other areas?
Yes! CELF can be used in these areas safely. We have also seen great results on the back of the hands.
Can you use over moles and beauty spots?
Yes, CELF is non-invasive. However, we do recommend you keep an eye on moles, and if you notice any changes, consult your GP immediately.
Do you need to clean the head with antibacterial solution after each use?
CELF is non-invasive, so antibacterial solutions aren’t required. We recommend rinsing under warm water for a few seconds before and after treatment.
How hard do you press?
CELF only requires a featherlight touch on the skin; if you feel the individual spurs (like a pin point against your skin), you are pressing too hard.
How long do you need to wait after sun exposure to use this?
If your skin is sun damaged, i.e. red, only use CELF when this has subsided, which typically takes up to a week. We always recommend using a minimum of SPF 30 sun cream daily.
How long should you wait to use after antibiotics/retinol/vitamin A?
Retinol and Vitamin A can be potent, leading to potential skin sensitivity or dryness. If experiencing such conditions, refrain from using CELF during this period of retinoid-induced sensitivity or dryness.
How often do you need to replace the CELF head
Clinical testing indicates the CELF head should be replaced every 3 months to maintain optimum results and efficacy.
We offer various CELF subscription packages with significant discounts.
How often do you use it?
Ideally, CELF should be used every evening (before you go to bed) for up to 1 minute per treatment area after you have brushed your teeth.
Is there a lid to put on CELF after each use for cleanliness
Yes, the CELF dermal head is supplied with a cap to both prevent damage and keep it clean.
I've run out of serum! What do I do?
We recommend that you use the CELF glide serum sparingly. It should last for 3 months. We don't sell the serum separately.
However, we do recommend that you change the CELF dermal head every 3 months as well for maximum efficacy. We have several subscription options available with great discounts!
What can I expect from first use? And beyond…?
The first time you use CELF, you can expect a little inflammation and redness as the local circulation is stimulated and potentially some sensitivity as your skin gets used to surface stimulation and microvibration treatment. This will disappear overnight.
Over time, you will see improvements in skin texture and radiance, with a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and an overall improvement in skin health
What do I do if I experience discomfort or redness?
Use the correct feather light pressure, and you ought not to experience discomfort. If you are experiencing discomfort, lighten the pressure.
Gently massage in the CELF glide serum, which has been specifically formulated to reduce any inflammation and sensitivity after every use.
Which setting on the Oral-B iO™ is appropriate for use with CELF?
To ensure optimal performance and safety when using CELF with your Oral-B iO™ toothbrush, it's important to adjust the settings accordingly. Depending on the version of the Oral-B iO™ toothbrush you have, you can switch to the sensitive setting either through the Oral-B app or directly on the toothbrush.
By ensuring that your Oral-B iO™ toothbrush is set to the sensitive setting, you can enjoy the benefits of CELF safely and effectively.
When will I see results?
Expect to see results within 4 to 6 weeks with regular usage for 1/2 minutes a day.
Acne Scarring
Approximately one in five people have acne scars or pigmentation. Deep tissue damage may arise from acne breakouts. The body will then work hard to heal these wounds, which triggers collagen production. If too little collagen is produced, you'll see scarring.
How does CELF help?
Micro-vibrations stimulate local blood circulation, increasing oxygen and nutrient supply to accelerate skin renewal and help reduce pigmentation. They also stimulate collagen formation in the underlying tissue to improve support and minimize the craters in the skin.
Blocked Pores
Blocked pores are typically caused by the accumulation of excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, leading to the obstruction of hair follicles and the development of conditions like acne.
How does CELF help?
CELF gently exfoliates dead surface epidermal cells. High levels of bacterial porphyrins are associated with inflammatory skin diseases and pore blockage; however, in clinical trials, CELF was able to reduce levels of bacterial porphyrins to normal.
A decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, in addition to sun damage and the aging process itself, can result in a crepey décolletage by causing the skin to lose its elasticity and develop fine lines and wrinkles on the chest region.
How does CELF help?
Dermatological testing has demonstrated that CELF increases dermal density and firmness by gradually and consistently activating fibroblast cells that produce collagen and elastin, thereby strengthening the skin's surface support.
Skin laxity and crepey skin result from a decline in collagen and elastin production, leading to reduced skin elasticity and firmness over time.
How does CELF help?
Clinical research indicates that CELF increases dermal density and firmness by gradually and consistently activating fibroblast cells, which produce collagen and elastin, thereby strengthening the skin's surface support over time.
Dark circles and puffy eyes
Puffy eye bags and dark circles are primarily caused by a combination of fluid retention and the loss of skin tone that occurs with ageing, leading to a swelling of the under-eye area and increased visibility of blood vessels.
How does CELF help?
Consistent CELF microvibration therapy enhances lymphatic drainage and boosts collagen and elastin production, thereby reducing puffy eye bags and dark circles by improving skin tone and reducing fluid retention.
Dark Spot & Hyperpigmentation
Dark spots and hyperpigmentation of the skin result from an overproduction of melanin triggered by factors like sun exposure, inflammation, hormonal changes, or skin injuries.
How does CELF help?
CELF gently exfoliates excessive dead surface epidermal cells, enabling faster cellular turnover over time and revealing fresh, youthful skin with a more even tone. By increasing blood flow and the delivery of oxygen and vital nutrients, CELF promotes healthier, renewed skin, improving its overall radiance over time.
Dull, Uneven Skin
Dull looking skin is often attributed to factors such as dead skin cell buildup, poor exfoliation, dehydration, and impaired cutaneous blood flow.
How does CELF help?
CELF gently exfoliates dead surface epidermal cells, allowing for faster cellular turnover over time, resulting in fresh, youthful skin with more reflectance and luminosity. By increasing blood flow and the delivery of oxygen and vital nutrients, CELF promotes healthier, renewed skin, improving its overall radiance over time.
Lines and wrinkles
The main causes of wrinkles and lines on the skin are wrinkles themselves, loss of collagen and elastin, and repeated facial muscle movements.
How does CELF help?
CELF reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by naturally activating deep cellular repair. Clinical research indicates that CELF increases dermal density and firmness by gradually and consistently activating fibroblast cells, which produce collagen and elastin, thereby strengthening the skin's surface support over time.
NECK Lines
Lines and folds on the neck, including "tech neck," are caused by the repetitive motion of looking down at screens, leading to increased strain on the neck muscles and skin, contributing to premature lines and wrinkles.
How does CELF help?
Dermatological testing has demonstrated that CELF increases dermal density and firmness by gradually and consistently activating fibroblast cells that produce collagen and elastin, thereby strengthening the skin's surface support
Red Areas
Red areas on the skin are often caused by inflammation, irritation, or increased blood flow, triggered by factors such as allergies, skin conditions, or environmental influences.
How does CELF help?
Enhancing the general health of the skin increases its resistance to irritation. High levels of bacterial porphyrins are associated with inflammatory skin diseases and pore blockage; however, in clinical trials, CELF was able to reduce levels of bacterial porphyrins to normal.
Rough, textured skin can be caused by factors such as dehydration, sun damage and an accumulation of dead skin cells, leading to an uneven and coarse surface.
How does CELF help?
CELF gently exfoliates dead surface epidermal cells, allowing for faster cellular turnover over time, resulting in fresh, youthful skin with a more even texture.
Can CELF be used on active acne?
No. CELF should not be used on active acne.
Can I use celf together with any pharmaceutical/herbal or natural remedies?
Do not use CELF if you are currently using topically applied prescription medications or natural remedies in the treatment area
Can it be used on those with sensitive skin/eczema/rosacea
CELF can be used on sensitive skin.
Patients with diagnosed active eczema or rosacea should not use CELF and consult their GP.
Can pregnant and breast feeding women use this?
Pregnant and breast feeding women should consult their physician before starting to use CELF.
Can you use over moles and beauty spots?
Yes, CELF is non-invasive. However, we do recommend you keep an eye on moles, and if you notice any changes, consult your GP immediately.
How long do you need to wait after sun exposure to use this?
If your skin is sun damaged, i.e. red, only use CELF when this has subsided, which typically takes up to a week. We always recommend using a minimum of SPF 30 sun cream daily.
How long should you wait to use after antibiotics/retinol/vitamin A?
Retinol and Vitamin A can be potent, leading to potential skin sensitivity or dryness. If experiencing such conditions, refrain from using CELF during this period of retinoid-induced sensitivity or dryness.
What do I do if I experience discomfort or redness?
Use the correct feather light pressure, and you ought not to experience discomfort. If you are experiencing discomfort, lighten the pressure.
Gently massage in the CELF glide serum, which has been specifically formulated to reduce any inflammation and sensitivity after every use.
What skincare cannot be used in conjunction with CELF?
We do not recommend using skin care designed to exfoliate skin, like peels and alpha-hydroxy acids.
When should I NOT use the CELF dermal head?
Do not use CELF if you have any of the following:
• Herpes labialis or any other local infection such as warts
• Moderate to severe chronic skin disease such as eczema and psoriasis
• Blood dyscrasias, patients on anticoagulant therapy
• Extreme keloidal tendency
• Patient on chemo/radiotherapy.
• Known allergies to skin treatment products or cosmetics, toiletries, or topical drugs
• Sun burn, recent tattoo or local skin damage such as cuts or grazes
• Currently using topically applied prescription medications in the treatment area
• Have had chemical peels, dermabrasion or facial cosmetic surgery within the last 6 months
How to Use
Are there any age recommendations?
CELF is designed to prevent, manage, and reverse the visible signs of skin ageing. These visible signs are typically seen in adults aged 25 and older.
Can any serum be used?
The CELF glide serum has been specifically formulated to be used in conjunction with CELF to optimise results. It contains ultra-pure hyaluronic acid for deep hydration and aloe vera to calm any tenderness or redness. We have not tested CELF with other topical formulations.
Can I use celf on the body/neck/décolletage and other areas?
Yes! CELF can be used in these areas safely. We have also seen great results on the back of the hands.
Can you use over moles and beauty spots?
Yes, CELF is non-invasive. However, we do recommend you keep an eye on moles, and if you notice any changes, consult your GP immediately.
Do you need to clean the head with antibacterial solution after each use?
CELF is non-invasive, so antibacterial solutions aren’t required. We recommend rinsing under warm water for a few seconds before and after treatment.
How hard do you press?
CELF only requires a featherlight touch on the skin; if you feel the individual spurs (like a pin point against your skin), you are pressing too hard.
How long do you need to wait after sun exposure to use this?
If your skin is sun damaged, i.e. red, only use CELF when this has subsided, which typically takes up to a week. We always recommend using a minimum of SPF 30 sun cream daily.
How long should you wait to use after antibiotics/retinol/vitamin A?
Retinol and Vitamin A can be potent, leading to potential skin sensitivity or dryness. If experiencing such conditions, refrain from using CELF during this period of retinoid-induced sensitivity or dryness.
How often do you need to replace the CELF head
Clinical testing indicates the CELF head should be replaced every 3 months to maintain optimum results and efficacy.
We offer various CELF subscription packages with significant discounts.
How often do you use it?
Ideally, CELF should be used every evening (before you go to bed) for up to 1 minute per treatment area after you have brushed your teeth.
Is there a lid to put on CELF after each use for cleanliness
Yes, the CELF dermal head is supplied with a cap to both prevent damage and keep it clean.
I've run out of serum! What do I do?
We recommend that you use the CELF glide serum sparingly. It should last for 3 months. We don't sell the serum separately.
However, we do recommend that you change the CELF dermal head every 3 months as well for maximum efficacy. We have several subscription options available with great discounts!
What can I expect from first use? And beyond…?
The first time you use CELF, you can expect a little inflammation and redness as the local circulation is stimulated and potentially some sensitivity as your skin gets used to surface stimulation and microvibration treatment. This will disappear overnight.
Over time, you will see improvements in skin texture and radiance, with a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and an overall improvement in skin health
What do I do if I experience discomfort or redness?
Use the correct feather light pressure, and you ought not to experience discomfort. If you are experiencing discomfort, lighten the pressure.
Gently massage in the CELF glide serum, which has been specifically formulated to reduce any inflammation and sensitivity after every use.
Which setting on the Oral-B iO™ is appropriate for use with CELF?
To ensure optimal performance and safety when using CELF with your Oral-B iO™ toothbrush, it's important to adjust the settings accordingly. Depending on the version of the Oral-B iO™ toothbrush you have, you can switch to the sensitive setting either through the Oral-B app or directly on the toothbrush.
By ensuring that your Oral-B iO™ toothbrush is set to the sensitive setting, you can enjoy the benefits of CELF safely and effectively.
When will I see results?
Expect to see results within 4 to 6 weeks with regular usage for 1/2 minutes a day.
Skin Concern
Acne Scarring
Approximately one in five people have acne scars or pigmentation. Deep tissue damage may arise from acne breakouts. The body will then work hard to heal these wounds, which triggers collagen production. If too little collagen is produced, you'll see scarring.
How does CELF help?
Micro-vibrations stimulate local blood circulation, increasing oxygen and nutrient supply to accelerate skin renewal and help reduce pigmentation. They also stimulate collagen formation in the underlying tissue to improve support and minimize the craters in the skin.
Blocked Pores
Blocked pores are typically caused by the accumulation of excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, leading to the obstruction of hair follicles and the development of conditions like acne.
How does CELF help?
CELF gently exfoliates dead surface epidermal cells. High levels of bacterial porphyrins are associated with inflammatory skin diseases and pore blockage; however, in clinical trials, CELF was able to reduce levels of bacterial porphyrins to normal.
A decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, in addition to sun damage and the aging process itself, can result in a crepey décolletage by causing the skin to lose its elasticity and develop fine lines and wrinkles on the chest region.
How does CELF help?
Dermatological testing has demonstrated that CELF increases dermal density and firmness by gradually and consistently activating fibroblast cells that produce collagen and elastin, thereby strengthening the skin's surface support.
Skin laxity and crepey skin result from a decline in collagen and elastin production, leading to reduced skin elasticity and firmness over time.
How does CELF help?
Clinical research indicates that CELF increases dermal density and firmness by gradually and consistently activating fibroblast cells, which produce collagen and elastin, thereby strengthening the skin's surface support over time.
Dark circles and puffy eyes
Puffy eye bags and dark circles are primarily caused by a combination of fluid retention and the loss of skin tone that occurs with ageing, leading to a swelling of the under-eye area and increased visibility of blood vessels.
How does CELF help?
Consistent CELF microvibration therapy enhances lymphatic drainage and boosts collagen and elastin production, thereby reducing puffy eye bags and dark circles by improving skin tone and reducing fluid retention.
Dark Spot & Hyperpigmentation
Dark spots and hyperpigmentation of the skin result from an overproduction of melanin triggered by factors like sun exposure, inflammation, hormonal changes, or skin injuries.
How does CELF help?
CELF gently exfoliates excessive dead surface epidermal cells, enabling faster cellular turnover over time and revealing fresh, youthful skin with a more even tone. By increasing blood flow and the delivery of oxygen and vital nutrients, CELF promotes healthier, renewed skin, improving its overall radiance over time.
Dull, Uneven Skin
Dull looking skin is often attributed to factors such as dead skin cell buildup, poor exfoliation, dehydration, and impaired cutaneous blood flow.
How does CELF help?
CELF gently exfoliates dead surface epidermal cells, allowing for faster cellular turnover over time, resulting in fresh, youthful skin with more reflectance and luminosity. By increasing blood flow and the delivery of oxygen and vital nutrients, CELF promotes healthier, renewed skin, improving its overall radiance over time.
Lines and wrinkles
The main causes of wrinkles and lines on the skin are wrinkles themselves, loss of collagen and elastin, and repeated facial muscle movements.
How does CELF help?
CELF reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by naturally activating deep cellular repair. Clinical research indicates that CELF increases dermal density and firmness by gradually and consistently activating fibroblast cells, which produce collagen and elastin, thereby strengthening the skin's surface support over time.
NECK Lines
Lines and folds on the neck, including "tech neck," are caused by the repetitive motion of looking down at screens, leading to increased strain on the neck muscles and skin, contributing to premature lines and wrinkles.
How does CELF help?
Dermatological testing has demonstrated that CELF increases dermal density and firmness by gradually and consistently activating fibroblast cells that produce collagen and elastin, thereby strengthening the skin's surface support
Red Areas
Red areas on the skin are often caused by inflammation, irritation, or increased blood flow, triggered by factors such as allergies, skin conditions, or environmental influences.
How does CELF help?
Enhancing the general health of the skin increases its resistance to irritation. High levels of bacterial porphyrins are associated with inflammatory skin diseases and pore blockage; however, in clinical trials, CELF was able to reduce levels of bacterial porphyrins to normal.
Rough, textured skin can be caused by factors such as dehydration, sun damage and an accumulation of dead skin cells, leading to an uneven and coarse surface.
How does CELF help?
CELF gently exfoliates dead surface epidermal cells, allowing for faster cellular turnover over time, resulting in fresh, youthful skin with a more even texture.
Can CELF be used on active acne?
No. CELF should not be used on active acne.
Can I use celf together with any pharmaceutical/herbal or natural remedies?
Do not use CELF if you are currently using topically applied prescription medications or natural remedies in the treatment area
Can it be used on those with sensitive skin/eczema/rosacea
CELF can be used on sensitive skin.
Patients with diagnosed active eczema or rosacea should not use CELF and consult their GP.
Can pregnant and breast feeding women use this?
Pregnant and breast feeding women should consult their physician before starting to use CELF.
Can you use over moles and beauty spots?
Yes, CELF is non-invasive. However, we do recommend you keep an eye on moles, and if you notice any changes, consult your GP immediately.
How long do you need to wait after sun exposure to use this?
If your skin is sun damaged, i.e. red, only use CELF when this has subsided, which typically takes up to a week. We always recommend using a minimum of SPF 30 sun cream daily.
How long should you wait to use after antibiotics/retinol/vitamin A?
Retinol and Vitamin A can be potent, leading to potential skin sensitivity or dryness. If experiencing such conditions, refrain from using CELF during this period of retinoid-induced sensitivity or dryness.
What do I do if I experience discomfort or redness?
Use the correct feather light pressure, and you ought not to experience discomfort. If you are experiencing discomfort, lighten the pressure.
Gently massage in the CELF glide serum, which has been specifically formulated to reduce any inflammation and sensitivity after every use.
What skincare cannot be used in conjunction with CELF?
We do not recommend using skin care designed to exfoliate skin, like peels and alpha-hydroxy acids.
When should I NOT use the CELF dermal head?
Do not use CELF if you have any of the following:
• Herpes labialis or any other local infection such as warts
• Moderate to severe chronic skin disease such as eczema and psoriasis
• Blood dyscrasias, patients on anticoagulant therapy
• Extreme keloidal tendency
• Patient on chemo/radiotherapy.
• Known allergies to skin treatment products or cosmetics, toiletries, or topical drugs
• Sun burn, recent tattoo or local skin damage such as cuts or grazes
• Currently using topically applied prescription medications in the treatment area
• Have had chemical peels, dermabrasion or facial cosmetic surgery within the last 6 months