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A new year’s resolution that’s easy to maintain

A new year’s resolution that’s easy to maintain

As we bid farewell to another year and welcome in the promise of a fresh start, New Year’s resolutions are taking centre stage. While we all want to set resolutions with the intention of sticking with them, only 35% of us will last beyond April. But the challenge doesn’t come from wanting to stick to our resolutions; it comes from forming healthy, realistic habits that become part of our routines. 

This year, we’re inviting you to make CELF the focus of your resolution. People often focus on saving money, losing weight, or stopping drinking, but put your skin health first in 2024. 

Let’s face it: the most common resolutions often come with hurdles that make them hard to maintain. Whether it’s hitting the gym every day, committing to a strict diet, or trying to save money, forming a new habit can be difficult. The CELF Regeneration Station is different. By seamlessly integrating with your everyday routine, we offer skincare that is effective and effortless. 

One of the biggest obstacles when forming a new habit is finding the right trigger or cue. It’s one of the reasons we harness the power of the Oral B iO toothbrush. Once you’ve finished brushing before bed, all you need to do is replace your toothbrush head with the CELF Dermal Head, and you’re ready to go. 

We are not asking you to start a 10-step nighttime skincare routine (who has time for that?); you just need to add a couple of minutes to your existing routine.

A lot of people give up on their resolutions because they're not seeing results quickly enough. We get it. You want to see what you’re working towards as soon as possible. When you’re hitting the gym four times a week, you want to see that reflected in your appearance. CELF’s micro-vibration therapy gives you results almost immediately and then continues to amaze.

Within your first week, you’ll notice tighter, brighter, and healthier skin.

Within your first month, you’ll notice a reduction in hyperpigmentation and texture improvement.

Within the first eight weeks, you’ll see a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

As you begin setting your New Year’s goals, ask yourself this:

How likely is it that you’re going to follow through with this?

Choose a resolution that fits around you:

Something you don’t need to completely change your day-to-day for. CELF does just that. We’re convenient, easy to integrate, and we’re clinically proven to bring you results. 

Here’s to a 2024 full of radiance.

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